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Membership category changes FROM 1 July 2016

  1. The Associate membership category will be re-named “Allied Professional”.
    This non-voting category is appropriate for those who have a professional interest in financial planning and wish to be connected to the profession.
  2. A new “Associate” category for financial planners will be introduced.
    The new “Associate” category is a voting category designed for financial planners, those on their way to becoming a financial planner, or working in a role that supports a financial planner. As voting members, financial planners in this category may benefit from TASA course exemptions and will also be bound by the FPA Code of Professional Practice and CPD Policy. There is no additional fee for this membership category.

FPA membership categories

Below is a summary of the FPA membership options:

CFP® Professional Financial planners who have completed the CFP® Certification Program.
Financial Planner AFP® Degree qualified or experienced (6-8 years) financial planners.
Associate Financial planners, those on their way to becoming one, or working in a role that supports a financial planner. Degree qualified with less than one year of direct/indirect experience in a financial planning related role, OR not degree qualified with less than six years of direct/indirect experience in a financial planning related role.
Allied Professional
Those who have a professional interest in financial planning and wish to be connected to the profession.
Those studying full-time.


FPA membership benefits

Below is a summary of membership benefits for each category option:

Student Allied Professional Associate Financial
Planner AFP®
CFP® Professional
Global recognition
Find a Planner listing
FPA Awards
Professional Framework
Voting rights
TASA course exemptions
Contribution to policy
Committee Participation
Consumer awareness
Future2 grants access
Member resources (Guidance booklets, toolkits, fact sheets)   ✔
Free webinars
Event savings
Financial Planning magazine  ✔
Members-only LinkedIn Forum  ✔

Further information

If you have any questions at all about these changes, please contact our Member Services team on 1300 337 301.

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